Michael Nicht

Consulting for trade fairs and marketing events

Use experience

Micha­el Nicht is one of the most renow­ned experts for plan­ning and exe­cu­ting major inter­na­tio­nal events. Use his expe­ri­ence for your trade fair appearan­ces and events — no mat­ter whe­ther they are inter­na­tio­nal, natio­nal or regional.

Pitch consulting

Find the best — reduce the budget!

Anyo­ne who wants to effec­tively compa­re ser­vices and pri­ces must be fami­li­ar with the respec­ti­ve indus­try. It is only pos­si­ble to assess whe­ther an offer real­ly reflects the sta­te of what is curr­ent­ly fea­si­ble and whe­ther the con­di­ti­ons are good if you are fami­li­ar with the sub­ject and the mar­ket. Wit­hout this know­ledge, risks and cos­ts will increase

Micha­el Nicht is a lea­ding aut­ho­ri­ty on the­se issues. Year after year, his indus­try know­ledge helps DAX com­pa­nies achie­ve mas­si­ve savings, as well as bet­ter qua­li­ty trade fairs and events. This appli­es both to coope­ra­ti­on with plan­ning part­ners (com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on agen­ci­es and archi­tects, tech­ni­cal plan­ners for struc­tu­ral design, rig­ging, light­ing, audio and video tech­no­lo­gy) and with sup­pli­ers for all types of event or trade fair equip­ment. Micha­el Nicht plans a sui­ta­ble pro­cu­re­ment stra­tegy, crea­tes com­pa­ra­bi­li­ty through pro­fes­sio­nal spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons, deve­lo­ps per­for­mance-rela­ted fee models and eva­lua­tes the resul­ting offers professional.

In this way, he finds the most sui­ta­ble ser­vice pro­vi­ders and sup­pli­ers who will plan or imple­ment your trade fair, exhi­bi­ti­on or event optimally.

The five-point programme

Define a procurement strategy 

Frame­work agree­ment, indi­vi­du­al ten­der or pitch? 

Clarify supplier situation 

Over­view and ana­ly­sis of the sup­pli­ers eli­gi­ble for the pro­ject by mar­ket segment 

Create specifications 

Crea­ti­on of detail­ed, pro­fes­sio­nal specifications 

Develop a fee model 

Deve­lo­p­ment of per­for­mance-rela­ted remu­ne­ra­ti­on models 

General tender rules 

Imple­men­ta­ti­on of the ten­der, exami­na­ti­on of the offe­red ser­vices, pro­fes­sio­nal and mathe­ma­ti­cal evaluation 

Further consulting focuses

Project management 

All topics rela­ted to pro­ject execution 


Accep­tance of reques­ted ser­vices, inspec­tion of pro­of of per­for­mance and invoices 

Organisation structures 

Ana­ly­sis and eva­lua­ti­on of decis­i­on-making com­pe­ten­ci­es in com­pa­nies and projects 


From com­pa­ny cele­bra­ti­ons to major inter­na­tio­nal events such as IAA in Frank­furt or AUDI A8 pre­sen­ta­ti­on in Miami Beach. And ever­y­thing in bet­ween. In various func­tions and with all types of people.

Micha­el Nicht knows the busi­ness, the pit­falls and the fea­si­bi­li­ty at all levels. He knows how the glo­bal event micro­c­osm ticks. Take advan­ta­ge of this.

all beginning.….… 

Orga­ni­sa­ti­on and exe­cu­ti­on of tours with well-known artists in Ger­ma­ny and Ita­ly an of cor­po­ra­te par­ties for companies. 

until 1992 

Mana­ging part­ner of Video Beam Ser­vice, Michael­sen + Nicht GmbH: Ren­tal of pro­fes­sio­nal event tech­no­lo­gy for mar­ke­ting events and trade shows. 

until 1995 

Mem­ber of the exe­cu­ti­ve board of the DEKOM Group, Ham­burg as the CEO of DEKOM Miet­zen­tra­le GmbH. Sales and ren­tal of pro­fes­sio­nal video and media equipment. 

until 2014 

Mana­ging part­ner of TFN GmbH + Co KG. Office for the design and plan­ning of audio­vi­su­al media equipment. 

until 2017 

Mana­ging partner/COO of VER GmbH in Braun­schweig and Offen­bach. For­med by the fusi­on of VER Ger­ma­ny GmbH and Media In Res GmbH (pre­vious­ly Rock-Ser­vice Deutsch­land GmbH), www.ver.com


Here you will only find names that should mean some­thing to you.

You should not, howe­ver, for­get the many other events, per­ma­nent instal­la­ti­ons and trade show appearan­ces, for which Micha­el Nicht has also orga­nis­ed the equip­ment and car­ri­ed out.

Audi AG 

Plan­ning and pro­cu­re­ment of audio­vi­su­al media tech­no­lo­gy as well as inter­face manage­ment for all the tech­ni­cal crews for inter­na­tio­nal trade shows, as well as various mar­ke­ting and press events around the world (IAA, Tokyo, Chi­na, USA, Gen­e­va) bet­ween 1998 and 2014 (on behalf of TFN GmbH & Co). 

Deutsche Bank 

Pre­pa­ra­ti­on of and sup­port with the ten­de­ring pro­cess for tech­ni­cal and struc­tu­ral equip­ment for the share­hol­ders’ mee­ting in Frank­furt (on behalf of TFN GmbH & Co KG). 

Deutsche Telekom 

T‑Mobile Cam­pus, Bonn: Con­sul­tancy for the awar­ding of an out­line con­tract for the deploy­ment of staff for the super­vi­si­on and ope­ra­ti­on of audio-visu­al tech­no­lo­gy. Preli­mi­na­ry eva­lua­ti­on, inter­views with cur­rent employees, crea­ti­on of a ser­vice spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­on, sel­ec­tion of bidders, eva­lua­ti­on of offers, con­sul­tancy for the awar­ding of con­tracts (on behalf of TFN GmbH & Co KG). 

Messe Frankfurt 

Sinus Award (busi­ness cate­go­ry) (Pro­light + Sound) for the plan­ning of the media tech­no­lo­gy for Deut­sche Bank Q 110, the Deut­sche Bank of the future, in Ber­lin (on behalf of TFN GmbH & Co) 


Pro­cu­re­ment of any equip­ment and logi­sti­cal imple­men­ta­ti­on for pro­jects in the Czech Repu­blic and Ita­ly (on behalf of Suc­cess Partners). 

Thyssen Krupp 

Pro­cu­re­ment of the tech­ni­cal equip­ment for the Ideen­park in Gel­sen­kir­chen (on behalf of Ambro­si­us Messebau/TFN GmbH & Co KG). 

Volkswagen AG 

Plan­ning and pro­cu­re­ment of any type of equip­ment as well as the exe­cu­ti­on of all con­s­truc­tion work for the Group’s top manage­ment con­fe­ren­ces, each with up to nine dif­fe­rent loca­ti­ons in Munich, Van­cou­ver, Wolfs­burg and Brussels (on behalf of Suc­cess Partners). 

Opti­mi­sa­ti­on of exis­ting spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons and sup­port with the imple­men­ta­ti­on of a ten­der pro­cess for plan­ning ser­vices regar­ding rig­ging, audio, video and light­ing engi­nee­ring for inter­na­tio­nal fairs in 2018

Rese­arch and scree­ning of eli­gi­ble com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on agencies. 

Deve­lo­p­ment of fee models based on coun­ta­ble per­for­mance units ins­tead of hour­ly or dai­ly rates or flat-rate fees for com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons, rig­ging, audio, video and light­ing engi­nee­ring and struc­tu­ral design. Crea­ti­on of detail­ed specifications. 

Assis­tance in the imple­men­ta­ti­on of a ten­der pro­cess for plan­ning ser­vices at a total of eight inter­na­tio­nal trade fairs in 2019 and 2020 for archi­tec­tu­ral and com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on ser­vices, as well as rig­ging, audio, video and light­ing engi­nee­ring and struc­tu­ral design, with the aim of enga­ging gene­ral planners. 


The trade maga­zi­nes Event Part­ner, Events Maga­zi­ne, M+A Report, PMA Pro­duc­tion Manage­ment, Pro­duc­tion Part­ner, Pro­fes­sio­nal Sys­tem and Stage Report have published the fol­lo­wing artic­le writ­ten by him:

Making savings when purchasing audiovisual media technology 

Car­ry­ing out a qua­li­fied ten­de­ring process 

LED walls as far as the eye can see 

Pre­sen­ting lar­ge-sca­le video foo­ta­ge in an extre­me­ly bright muse­um environment 

Vorsprung durch Technik 

AUDI pre­sen­ta­ti­on at IAA Frankfurt 

That’s Multimedia 

The launch of the Ško­da Octavia 

Speaker presentations 

Pre­sen­ted using which audio­vi­su­al medium? 

Holosion – into the third dimension without glasses 

A new era or tech­no­lo­gi­cal bells and whistles? 

Sound systems for marketing events 

How much out­lay for just one speaker’s microphone? 

Large-screen video projectors 

Which pie­ce of equip­ment is sui­ta­ble for your applications? 


Micha­el Nicht
+49 172 5631 375

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